I have traded the Rockies for the Sierras and now live in Tahoe so as to be close to my three monkeys -two nieces and nephew- and the rest of the family who had all relocated here. My main interests include, but are not limited to, writing, science, critical thinking, literature, hunting, nature, astrophysics, cosmology, philosophy, and computers.Im a Jack of all trades, Master of none
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb - U2 - A Man And A Woman Great song, if you ignore the ho-hum music and the fact that "romance" doesn't rhyme with "distance." This song exemplifies the reason I hate songs with lyrics. Yet another fan on a message board had this to say about "Miracle Drug:" I think that Bono turns pop culture upside down with the line "I've had enough of romantic love." Wow, how profound
TOUCHSTONE It is meat and drink to me to see a clown: by my troth, we that have good wits have much to answer for; we shall be flouting; we cannot hold. ROSALIND A traveller! By my faith, you have great reason to be sad: I fear you have sold your own lands to see other men's; then, to have seen much and to have nothing, is to have rich eyes and poor hands
Elizabethan Slang
Elizabethan Slang Elizabethan English Terms and Slang -- Lower Class and Underworld Insults Curses Oaths Challenges Forms of Address Salutations Some words that make an appearance in English at this time. I have had suggested to me a tape called 'O for a muse of foyre', as well as some excellent resources listed in Jeffrey Singman's Elizabethan Handbook and Daily Life in Elizabethan England
I can see by what you carry that you came from Barry Town ---------- East St Louis Toodle-oo (Instrumental) ---------- Parker's Band Savoy Sides presents a new saxaphone sensation; It's Parker's band with a smooth style of syncopation. Standing tough under stars and stripes We can tell This dream's in sight You've got to admit it At this point in time that it's clear The future looks bright On that train all graphite and glitter Undersea by rail Ninety minutes from New York to Paris Well by seventy-six we'll be A.O.K
WG-Squared on deviantART
I had, ostensibly, come hoping to find a date, but after spending two hours here and not having so much as said 'hello' to a woman, I was thinking I'd spent an obscene amount of money to just stare at pretty girls. Been having some idea percolate in my brain.If you do, all I do ask is you find your way to the Dimensions weightroom library and look up the story "Auntie Sam" and read it, all 6 or so parts
How To Say It?
written by swhite, March 21, 2010 And this would make a difference how? report abuse vote down vote up Votes: +3 Enjoy! written by Sun3160, March 21, 2010 I'm sure it felt momentous and extraordinarily significant to you. I have lived though societal changes that saw people actually able to talk about and buy contraception, to admit menstruation exists, and lots more positive developments, one of which has been the creation of a positive environment for homosexuals to feel comfortable in the society they grew up in
Do the Right Thing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They yell at each other, threatening, until Sal, in a fit of frustration and anger, calls Radio Raheem a "nigger," then snaps and destroys Radio Raheem's boombox with a baseball bat. Martin Lawrence as Cee, a silly local teenager who speaks with an 'isp' Paul Benjamin as ML Frankie Faison as Coconut Sid Robin Harris as Sweet Dick Willie Miguel Sandoval as Officer Mark Ponte, a policeman Rick Aiello as Officer Gary Long, a white policeman Joie Lee as Jade, Mookie's sister Samuel L
75 27 Click to rate me, small town across the pond, 2 months ago Bring it back! I would totally watch! 80 29 Click to rate Peace, London, United Kingdom, 2 months ago I think Jennifer is sweet and I would love pick a FRIENDS reunion over a big promotion any day of the week! 84 25 Click to rate Peace, London, United Kingdom, 2 months ago Well, you all had nice to things to say about her! ..NOT! 76 6 Click to rate Rose Marie, Sunnyvale, United States, 2 months ago Don't move that face too much, Jen; you just had botox! And from what I've heard, she's getting laser all over her body. If only water was ALL they pumped into your chicken The coldest place on earth: Antarctica sets new record with minus 135.8F High-flying Oxford student gassed himself with chemicals he had mixed himself hours after the end of term Can testosterone help beat the menopause? Jane Fonda says it transformed her libido and researchers claim..
A group of researchers came up with a hack to get around hardware limitations and add monitor mode to Android devices to allow them to crack Wi-Fi passwords. If you want something a little more unique, making it yourself is a great way to go, and a DIY Weeping Angel topper is a good twist on a classic, but not everyone is a Dr
This can be achieved by tucking a small neck roll into the pillowcase of a flatter, softer pillow, or by using a special pillow that has a built-in neck support with an indentation for the head to rest in. This report includes effective exercises, ergonomic strategies, medications, and medical procedures designed to treat neck and shoulder pain from a variety of causes
I also use amazon a lot for books, you can actually buy english books on Amazon.de and have them delivered to your door! I also surf the net for teaching tips and lesson ideas, I would now be lost without it! Ravindra Chaugule says: 8th July 2008 at 6:49 am Advantages of internete: Interenet is very useful service it save the time and doing work very fast for example : paying bills.sumbmit any collage form and other form, this is the big sorce for knowledge,we can find jobs on internete. sawhtoo says: 11th December 2010 at 11:26 pm I use internet for collecting information, reading news, listening news and songs, and sending message to friends and family
have never been 2 hz house, ofcourse askd no real answer but will admit we often fall asleep talking to each other and wake the next morning still on the fone. Nothing can separate me from the Love of God.Wednesday, 4 August 2010 @ 12:27pm219: Tina says:I bought myself a nice bottle of shampoo and conditioner and I got my eyebrow fixed, I tipped the new girl five bucks, while I forgot too and felt bad for not tipping the other girl for fkin up my eyebrow
So if you want to get a thank you that will melt your heart from 2 little children who have every Disney movie and every Disney toy for their age group these are the ones you need to let stay. Thank you for this HONOR! Pastor Steve- Blanca Aguilar says: July 30, 2013 at 5:40 pm Wow, it will be the best present ever for my niece Samantha, we are taking her over to Disney World on August 7th 2013 for her 5 th birthday
You don't want to make them feel badly about it - they will be embarrassed enough about it when they're older, looking back! 2-year-old is rubbing his penis raw Jan 2007 I know that all young boys rub themselves and I have no problem with this. I know nothing could have made me stop doing the coolest thing ever, but I think feeling comfortable around my parents instead of ashamed and angry would have made me less obsessive about masturbating as I grew up, built a lot of respect (which would have paid large dividends in later years), and saved them some money at the child psychologists, with whom I would never discuss anything with anyway
If he chanced to be amongst his equals he was still a very nice kind of man, a very good fellow in many respects, and not stupid; but the very moment that he found himself in the society of people but one rank lower than himself he became silent; and his situation aroused sympathy, the more so as he felt himself that he might have been making an incomparably better use of his time. Akakiy Akakievitch passed through the kitchen unperceived, even by the housewife, and at length reached a room where he beheld Petrovitch seated on a large unpainted table, with his legs tucked under him like a Turkish pasha
Glasses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They still remain in use for specialised circumstances, for example in extremely high prescriptions (currently, glass lenses can be manufactured up to a refractive index of 1.9) and in certain occupations where the hard surface of glass offers more protection from sparks or shards of material. Another common condition in patients over forty years old is presbyopia, which is caused by the eye's crystalline lens losing elasticity, progressively reducing the ability of the lens to accommodate (i.e
Shelley Emling: 7 Things You Should Never Say To Your Teenager
Try talking with them about what could be causing the behavior.Keep Your Teen BusyTeenagers who are involved in activities tend to have a more positive outlook and stay out of trouble at a larger rate than those who aren't.Spend Time With Your TeenIt's easy for parents to get caught up in issues relating to work, finances and the day-to-day hassles of managing a family. But it's important to make distinctions between those battles that are worth fighting and those that could be best described as vehicles for general contention
It has a little bit of every season: the winter snow at the beginning of spring, the autumn fresh air throughout this season, and the summer flowers and sun at the end. And much more! A friend of mine has played a version of MC where there are new, modern foods like hamburgers; new mobs like cats, lions, alligators, elephants, and even werewolves; as well as villagers (or characters at least) who will do what you tell them to, such as helping you build
Romney Supporter Wears 'Put The White Back In The White House' T-Shirt At Ohio Campaign Event (PHOTO)
According to Buzzfeed, a Romney spokesperson "commented that the shirt was reprehensible and has no place in this election." This is not the first time in recent weeks that racism has been directed towards President Barack Obama. Mitt Romney and wife Ann Romney are seen in attendance for the game of of the Boston Celtics against the Atlanta Hawks in Game Four of the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals during the 2012 NBA Playoffs on May 6, 2012 at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts
Why do Real D 3D glasses work in the cinema but they wont work with any other 3D images at home Are there any images that do work
This has the effect of making the right and left eyes see slightly different versions of the movie, each from a different perspective, just as occurs when viewing a real-world scene. (IMAX screens have a silver reflective paint for example to make sure the ray of light are reflected straight and strong to your eye).The reason why, much to my disappointment, you can't have 3D movies on your home TV is because of polarization, which is how the 3D thing works
In the stillness of meditation, it can also seem as if you have more thoughts than usual but this is not so: it is just that you are becoming more aware of them. or 7 years retraining for a DM journalist...? 2 8 Click to rate Dom and Wolfhound, Costwold Hills, United Kingdom, 4 months ago Pessimists are not simply miserable old wotsits, but realists
Ask That Guy With the Glasses - Channel Awesome Wiki - ThatGuyWithTheGlasses
What was the after-life like? And how did you come back?Where is your traditional 'Ask That Guy with the Glasses' pipe?A one-armed man is holding onto a cliff while his ass is itching. He is starting to stink up the place and I don't want to touch him, what should I do? Last week I forgot to lock the door to my room when I was preparing myself to jerk off
Elephant Jokes!
What should you do to a white elephant? Hold its nose until it turns blue.(Thanks to Don Jackson) How do you get down off an elephant? You don't, you get down off of a goose. Why did the elephant cross the road? To squash the chicken on the other side!(submitted by Dustin Schelin) What is large and gray and goes around and around in circles? An elephant stuck in a revolving door
How do you say the novena of the rosary of liberation
It is something that words cannot describe." It's not just the standard "healing." It's also overcoming vices, such as drugs, adultery, and homosexuality. In a week, the sore was healed and even the lumps under her armpits had disappeared." It is not to be confused with a "liberation Rosary" that some have distorted on the internet (using it for political purposes)
DIY Mason Jar Snow Globes Stunning Succulent Centerpiece DIY Holiday Card Display Modern Decorative Trees More in Home Mom Teaching the True Meaning of the Holidays Are the holidays taken over by presents and decorating? It's time to get back to the basics. The Perfect Gift for Every Kind of Kid Popsicle Stick Gift Tags Raising Grateful Kids, All Year Long More in Mom Today's Top How To Decorative Outdoor Lighting When it comes to outdoor entertaining, nothing sets the mood quite like festive lighting
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