Conspiracy Theory Alert: Osama Bin Laden Was Dead LONG BEFORE This Weekend
Another question would be, since this information is by no means late breaking, does the MSM really think we are so stupid as to believe this hoax of Sunday last? The article sums up what his end was. May 5th, 2011 eyeswideopen I believe he died years ago, i have family in the army that has been over there sometime and they even tell me he has been dead since 2001
Osama bin Laden dead: Drama, history behind Bin Laden's death - Los Angeles Times
Then the board was lifted up, the official said, and the "deceased body eased into the sea." The funeral was conducted on the ship's hangar deck, not the flight deck, which is at the waterline. The funeral was conducted using what a Pentagon official said were "traditional procedures for Islamic burials." The body was washed and placed in a white sheet on a flat board as a U.S
In 2006, after finding out his wife, vegan chef Alexandra Jamieson (who features in his previous effort), is pregnant, Spurlock takes action--John McCain style--to secure a more peaceful planet for his unborn child.In Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?, he gets his shots, works out, and takes a self-defense class in preparation for a jaunt through Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan to track down the Al-Qaeda fugitive (his itinerary neglects Iran and Iraq). What the hell? guess I will spend 1 year learning the language so I can understand this 2 hr doco? As much as i respect and admire his effort, I think he might have been in the sun too long
At close range I would rather be shot with a 30.06 than a 45, the 06 would pass through like a 9 because of the high velocity, the subsonic 45 would expend its energy inside the target without passing through. Traditionally, units such as DEVGRU are allowed wide latitude in their choice of weapons, and often select weapons as appropriate for the specific mission or task
Osama bin Laden News - Topix
Richard Rowley's documentary zones in on the alleged rogue atrocities of America's paramilitary special force JSOC , accused of slaying innocent kids and families, from Afghanistan to Somalia, when not taking applause for killing Osama bin Laden. Comment? Related Topix: Dirty Wars Wed Nov 27, 2013 Denver Post Milbank: An unflattering White House portrait In this May 1, 2011, image released by the White House and digitally altered by the source to obscure the details of a document in front of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, at right with hand covering mouth, President Barack Obama, second from left, Vice President Joe Biden, left, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, right, and members of ..
Suicide of the Officer of this grade raises many questions among the media, as the team was best known for killing Osama Bin Laden that assaulted his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 1, 2011. The VA takes over a year to process claims for war related injuries.Vets are coming home to no job, spouse left them because of constant reemployment to battle zones, stalled support from VA, and a Government that drags their ass
Osama bin Laden: Special forces soldier who killed al-Qaeda leader tells how he watched him take his last breath - Mirror Online
This is so that other components, namely the Comments form that can cause a log on know whether they should hide the Facebook Login button after logging in
THE CAPTURE OF BIN LADEN SHOULD HAVE BEEN SEEN IN AT LEAST THESE TWO LIGHTS: AS THE END RESULT OF A FOCUSED LEADERSHIP OBJECTIVE BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, AND AS A REWARD FOR EVER WOBBLING ALBEIT PAINSTAKING INTELLIGENCE EFFORT BY THE NSA (CIA ET TAL). Consequently, what would have led Obama and those who had the need to know in this fine operation to have gone to the length they did only to shoot Osama in the head ( their story) WITH NO INTELLIGENCE BENEFIT is to be better imagined than understood
BBC News - Osama Bin Laden, al-Qaeda leader, dead - Barack Obama
US media reports said that the body was buried at sea to conform with Islamic practice of a burial within 24 hours and to prevent any grave becoming a shrine. However, the root causes of radical Islam - the range of issues that enabled al-Qaeda to recruit disaffected young Muslims to its cause - remain, for the most part, unaddressed, Islamic affairs analyst Roger Hardy told the BBC
Man Who Killed Osama Bin Laden - Treatment of Veteran Who Shot bin Laden - Esquire
And it's a simple truth that those who have been most exposed to harrowing danger for the longest time during our recent unending wars now find themselves adrift in civilian life, trying desperately to adjust, often scrambling just to make ends meet. "We'd lose everything." "These guys have millions of dollars' worth of knowledge and training in their heads," says one of the group at my house, a former SEAL and mentor to the Shooter and others looking to make the transition out of what's officially called the Naval Special Warfare Development Group
Osama Bin Laden dead: Gruesome photo is hoax, but White House debates release of real ones - NY Daily News
Marine Sara McKenna, met in a New York courthouse on Monday and struck a short-term parenting agreement for the nine-month-old child at the center of their bitter custody dispute. Skier Bode Miller can bring son to Winter Olympics Skiing star Bode Miller can bring his baby boy along to the Winter Olympics in February, assuming daddy himself qualifies for the games in Sochi, Russia
Osama Bin Laden Dead: Inside The Raid That Killed Him
The CIA had been hunting that courier for years, ever since detainees told interrogators that the courier was so trusted by bin Laden that he might very well be living with the al-Qaida leader. Share this: Obama Plans To Thank Bin Laden Raid Team Friday NBC News reports that President Barack Obama plans to privately thank members involved in the operation against Osama bin Laden on Friday.The official said Obama met at the White House on Wednesday with Vice Adm
Osama bin Laden (1957-2011)
December 9, 2012, Sunday Ex-Aide to Bin Laden, Vital Witness for U.S., Seeks Sentence By BENJAMIN WEISER The former aide, Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl, pleaded guilty in 1997, was placed under witness protection and was to be sentenced after his cooperation in the investigation of Al Qaeda. Letters From the Bin Laden Compound The Combating Terrorism Center at the United States Military Academy released a selection of documents discovered during the 2011 raid in Abbottabbad, Pakistan, that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden
BBC News - LIVE: Osama Bin Laden dead
It cannot be validated on any account." 1027: Reiterating previous official statements, Mr Bashir says Pakistan "was not consulted" about the US operation in Abbottabad. "The actions that can be considered ethically permissible in a situation of war are very different from those outside war." 1105: "By blaming Pakistani institutions you get nowhere," Mr Bashir stresses
The source would not go into details of others who were killed, except to say the operation was conducted carefully to avoid harming women and children. official said multiple options were considered before settling on the assault that killed Osama bin Laden early Monday at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan
And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network
Osama bin Laden Killed by U.S. Forces in Pakistan - ABC News
Bin Laden's death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw him go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world. Bin Laden was located at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which was monitored and when the time was determined to be right, the president said, he authorized a "targeted operation." "A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said
The death of Osama bin Laden - Framework - Photos and Video - Visual Storytelling from the Los Angeles Times
Muslims, Christians, Jews, others, name a religion and there is probably a group somewhere that takes things too far and hates everyone who believes differently. Osama was a terrible person, but dont think for a second that our CIA is not just as guilty, or even more so, when it comes to the death and distruction of innocent people and thier property
Osama bin Laden News, Photos and Videos - ABC News
And has been with me, at my side, in every tough decision that I've made from going after bin Laden to dealing with the health care issues to - you name it; he's been there," he said
Death of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You know, if you are a country and you're trying to gain the support of another country, then you want to do everything you can that they would act in a cooperative fashion. Chidambaram, said that bin Laden hiding "deep inside" Pakistan was a matter of grave concern for India, and showed that "many of the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks, including the controllers and the handlers of the terrorists who actually carried out the attack, continue to be sheltered in Pakistan"
forces in May 2011 spawned a number of messages purporting to include or link to news stories, pictures or videos of a dead Osama bin Laden which were vectors for transmission of malware. Scammers have also been using the "search engine poisoning" technique, purporting to offer bin Laden-related material on web sites in an effort to trick search engines into listing web pages loaded with malware in their search results
Osama bin Laden is dead 2 May Osama bin Laden is dead I welcome bin Laden's death: Gillard 2 May Prime Minister Julia Gillard has welcomed the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. Before Obama made his announcement, Rumsfeld's chief of staff, Keith Urbahn, said on Twitter: "So I'm told by a reputable person they have killed Osama Bin Laden
Sophos is advising computer users to watch out for scams related to Osama bin Laden's death, not just on Facebook but on other parts of the internet too. Your missing the whole point of the fact that people NEED to see actual evidence of the body, otherwise most people will simply dismiss it as hearsay or as a conspiracy cover up
Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Congress, he said bin Laden had become an "iconic figure, whose survival emboldens al-Qaeda as a franchising organization across the world", and that Obama's deployment of 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan meant that success would be possible. Bin Laden met with King Fahd, and Saudi Defense Minister Sultan, telling them not to depend on non-Muslim assistance from the United States and others, and offering to help defend Saudi Arabia with his Arab legion
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