I looked at plugins and funnuily enough the tutorial you have linked and plugins were to bloated and I know it can be solved with just a few lines of code. For a simple forum I prefer your method, but for those people who prefer the bigger scripts my method will work to allow you to use WordPress as the CMS
How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary
For example, when fixing bugs, counting the number of bugs that I have fixed is not at all motivational to me, because it is independent of the number that may still exist, and is also affects the total value I'm adding to my company's customers in only the smallest possible way. In a team environment, you should try to have the people who will do the work do the estimate, and you should try to have team-wide consensus on estimates
How to Create Good Filenames for Your Web Pages (thesitewizard.com)
Practical Considerations to Naming Your Web Files Avoid Spaces in Your Filenames One of the common beginner's mistakes when naming filenames is to put spaces in the filenames. Over time, I have changed some of those bad filenames when I redesigned my sites (albeit with their own disastrous consequences), but I'm aware I still have many pages with problematic and silly filenames
.htaccess 301 Redirect - How To 301 Redirect
This will take a lot of work and will include many get and replace commands but if you do it right, you will be able to export a CSV file that you could then finagle into your .htaccess file. .htaccess file 301 Redirects taught on this page include: Redirect a Single Page Redirect an Entire Site Redirect all subpages without redirecting the entire domain Redirect a site to WWW Redirect a site to Non-WWW This is the easiest and cleanest way to redirect a domain or URL
PC Hell: How to Uninstall McAfee
Place a checkmark next to each McAfee product you wish to remove and click Remove 6) You'll see a warning message like this one, click on the Remove button 7) .The removal process will start showing each program being removed, then it will ask to restart the computer. If for some reason, the normal uninstall does not remove it, I recommend following the automatic uninstall instructions below to remove McAfee security products
ELMAH gets bypassed when using the handleerror attribute meaning it won't see that there was an error because it was handled already by the attribute... What I am asking is there a way to make ELMAH see the error and log it even though the attribute handled it...I searched around and don't see any methods to call to force it to log the error...
How to Install and Setup W3 Total Cache and MaxCDN for Beginners
Refer to the image below to see how Page cache works: As you can see normally when a user comes to your site, WordPress runs PHP scripts and MySQL queries to the database to find the requested page. I agree with W3 has more options and seems to be a better plugin, but with W3, my server response time nearly tripled! It went from about .25 seconds to almost a full second
By default, this fallback feature is disabled because it loads extra JavaScript and CSS (makes for poor performance) and it is only necessary for websites that use the date or the number input fields. Are there any reserved or unavailable words for the name of an input field? Yes, there are some words that are not available; but this is actually not a restriction of Contact Form 7, but a restriction of WordPress
All you need to do is to copy and paste the generated code into a text file, save it as .htaccess and upload to your Web server.There are plenty of options that you can configure in the software. While you want your site to be visible to everyone, there may be times when it is visited by spambots and you start to receive many spam mails, comments, form submissions and so on
How to Create a Million-Dollar Business This Weekend (Examples: AppSumo, Mint, Chihuahuas)
It would also be Farmville-esque in that the basic service is free, but the revenue would come from selling digital goodies and add-ons to users who are already hooked. This ad targets users: * who live in the United States * age 18 and older * who are not already connected to (my business facebook page) Now with CPC a lot of people MIGHT see it (depending on my bid) and I get charged each time they click on it
The code that he created is in fact plausible and after tweaking a portion of the CSS and some HTML provided by him, I was able to create a compatible version of the Slide Show for Blogger. but not e podico lamentablemte coloar in my blog is not that bad because it will be Simplo seek images to the size it says but go to my blog can not find anything .
Once setup you will be able to press on the Add New plugin menu option: On the Install Plugin screen you can then simply enter the name of the plugin into the search field and perform the search: The search results should then show the plugin. Installing a downloaded plugin via FTP Once downloaded the file needs to be unzipped, a term that refers to the de-compressing and restoring to normal of a zip file
Why can't I see the Quicktag buttons when using Apple's Safari browser? Description: The Quicktag buttons in the Write interface do not display when using Apple's Safari browser. If you do not want to go through setting up a complete mail server on your *NIX box you may find ssmtp useful -- it provides "A secure, effective and simple way of getting mail off a system to your mail hub"
If you are receiving this Code 39 error and your CD or DVD drive is missing and has a yellow exclamation mark in Device Manager, I hope this information is useful. I uninstalled the drive from Device Manager, rebooted the computer, and the problem remained, so obviously it appeared to be a registry issue that I would have to solve
How to build a facebook application using PHP and graph api
And can i test your code at my local server? Is it working correctly? Reply Jeyaganesh February 13, 2011 I guessed that you would be using 000webhost because there is a common problem on facebook apps using that host. Reply Guna February 13, 2011 hi, I tested your demo application,its work wonderful but i facing below error when i use your code.hope you can help me.thank u in advance
We just created and designed a Facebook Fan Page with Flash and of course we are running into the issue of fans not seeing the great work on their iPad and iPhone. Katherine Hey, what programme did you use to create your landing image? I dont know how to just adjust a normal image to certain pixel width, plus I want to add text and stuff.
How To Create Your Own Custom WordPress Theme
Pritam @ Specky Geek says: January 31, 2011 at 1:37 pm Nice design! However, the tutorial needs to be simplified and updated to add latest WordPress features like Menu. This particular tag is unique to the WordPress Popular Posts plugin, but it shows how additional functionality can be added using plugins and their custom tags
How to Start a Blog or Website (In 15 Minutes or Less)
Cheers xx Reply Rose says: October 7, 2013 at 1:56 amI am planning to launch my blog this year and I have already prepared around 20 contents, but I still have questions swimming in my mind. I know you have a lot of questions in here and perhaps I will write about them in the future, but the one quick thing I thought I would mention is that if your traffic surge is only temporary, I would not upgrade hosting significantly unless you could do it temporarily (not sure if your host would allow that but you might see)
How to ...? - Analytics - Piwik
This feature is very useful because it helps visualize which sections of your website have the most traffic, rather than having all your page URL at the same level. If you are using the PECL extension and are using a custom directory for your GeoIP databases, upload the new database to this directory instead of Piwik's misc directory
I went round the houses for a few days looking for an alternative .net blog engine because a had problems installing wordpress using their documentation. Install and Configure WordPress In this walkthrough I will be using the latest version of WordPress (2.0.4 at the time of writing) Start by creating a dedicated folder for the WordPress files and then extract the WordPress files into this folder
Phill July 11, 2010 at 11:55 am Reply andrasb says: Great article and theme, thank you very much! There are little differences in the following files of shape theme and the google svn: sidebar, functions, index. Any ideas or suggestions? May 18, 2010 at 9:32 am Reply Steve Cooley says: Just in case anyone is interested or has the same experience, I solved my problem
About the Author Ian Lloyd Ian Lloyd runs Accessify.com, a site dedicated to promoting web accessibility, and is an active member of the Web Standards Project
First, The codes show up on my webpage on the top and the second is that the next stop copying and pasting the codes HTML Edit in the Pages section for some reason the codes code up in my webpage... Is there any possibility to control what label will going to post ? some of my posts included in 2-30 labels and i want to minimize the repetition of posts in different labels
Tutorial: How to Create a Facebook Application to Get an App ID for your Website
We want to know which ad was most effective in bringing them to the app, while still being able to see (separately) the leads from the app itself (hope that clears things up a bit) Reply Zorba Leaf says: October 22, 2012 at 11:20 pm Hi Tim, This is a high utility description of the ID app creation process. RELATED: How to Set Up Your Website or Blog with Facebook Insights for Domains Installing the Facebook Developer Application The first step in creating an application in Facebok is to install the Facebook Developer application
404 Error Pages
This field gives you an idea about the occurrence of 404 errors, their frequencies, consistencies, and also the referred document that led to the errors. This "Not Found" response code indicates that although the client could communicate to the server, the server could not find what was requested or it was configured not to fulfill the request
Several electricians will not present an appraisal without seeing the problem, however, you can request for a ballpark figure for your particular problem. Joints and their encircling components allow you to bend yiur right back, wiggle your sides, bend your legs and arms, change your head, and wave your fingers to express bye-bye
Custom Facebook Page Creation: A How-To
This involves: Visit the Facebook Developers utility for app registration Click the Create New App button Fill out the registraition form, including the parameters displayed to you on the edit screen of the content you created within WordPress Setting up the Facebook app should be as simple as giving it a name and then pasting in the Site URL and Site Domain. If you want multiple tabs on your page, each of them has to correspond with a different web address, so that pretty much means creating a new post and registering the URL in the Facebook Developers app
ravi beli Nithya you are super, thanks for detailed steps.It will be helpful if you mention exact version of eclipse indigo.Thanks, Ravi Beli Prasanta Kumar Sahoo Thanks a lot Nithya it is very useful to practice servlet
How to Create a Facebook App for your Timeline Page Tab
Reply Sergey Landar says: April 6, 2012 at 2:25 am Thank you! I made all like you told, but now i see horizontal and vertical scroll on my Facebook page. Reply Ayala Berman says: August 6, 2012 at 7:28 am hi i wanted to ask how can i a dd a facebook app to a client page without creating the app on my personal account
in hostname i put the correct server but when i type the username and password it always redirects me to the index page even if the password is correct. deepak says: April 8, 2010 at 5:38 pm Hi i m student doing project on website design with the help of PHP and Mysql and wordpress i m getting difficult to upload the plugin so i need user login and register coding for wordpress and how to implement in wordpress thank you manas says: April 26, 2010 at 3:37 pm i was not guided properly in my training , but u guided me properly
the resident DNS Master Guru at Arvixe support, is that you should either use the Cloudflare control panel, or your Arvixe cpanel to make DNS changes but not both
In Internet Explorer, you can do so by clicking "Tools," selecting "Internet Options," choosing the "General" tab and selecting "Delete" under the Browsing History section
How to Fix HTTP 406 Error on a Blackberry 8703E An HTTP error 406 on a Blackberry 8703E means that your IT administrator has denied you access to download a third-party application.... How to Fix a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error An internal 500 error is an Internet Information Services (IIS) response to in improper configuration or coding error
Reply DaHey permalink Is it possible to do this on a single site as opposed to the entire site collection? Reply Emerson Bruce permalink Yes, scope should be set to site by default when you create your own search and results pages. Reply Emerson Bruce permalink This is assuming you already have the search service set up properly and the search indexer has run at least once over the scope you are specifying
How Do I Create a Custom 404 Error Page?
But then you see it--a server that's set up with its own special 404 error page that politely apologizes and offers you links to e-mail site administrators and maybe a site search engine. ...you have already created an error page, right? Let's Turn It On If you already had an .htaccess page in your directory then chances are it's already turned on
How to Create a Custom Error 404 page for WordPress
Thanks Kevin! 0 Aryan Thursday, September 1st, 2011 19:30 28 Good post but i liked most interesting is all the screenshot of different website becoz ppl will get an idea..thank you 0 Lester Saturday, August 20th, 2011 06:53 27 This page really helped me alot. Make it More User Friendly To make it more user friendly and unique you could consider using the above examples with a different background image of your choice
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